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Steps to Prepare Ultimate Steak & Turmeric Rice with Sauteed Corn, Onions & Pepprs

 ·  ☕ 7 min read  ·  ✍️ Tony Ferguson

Steak & Turmeric Rice with Sauteed Corn, Onions & Pepprs

Hello everybody, it is Drew, welcome to our recipe site. Today, we’re going to prepare a distinctive dish, steak & turmeric rice with sauteed corn, onions & pepprs. It is one of my favorites. This time, I am going to make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

Steak & Turmeric Rice with Sauteed Corn, Onions & Pepprs is one of the most well liked of recent trending foods on earth. It is appreciated by millions daily. It’s easy, it is fast, it tastes yummy. Steak & Turmeric Rice with Sauteed Corn, Onions & Pepprs is something that I have loved my whole life. They are nice and they look fantastic.

A steak is a meat generally sliced across the muscle fibers, potentially including a bone. It is normally grilled, though can also be pan-fried. Перевод слова steak, американское и британское произношение, транскрипция, словосочетания, примеры использования. fillet steak — амер. бифштекс из вырезки rump steak — ромштекс. steak [steɪk]Существительное. steak / steaks. Not to be confused with: stake - a stick or post. PLEASE REMEMBER everyone likes their steak cooked differently.

To get started with this particular recipe, we have to first prepare a few components. You can cook steak & turmeric rice with sauteed corn, onions & pepprs using 20 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Steak & Turmeric Rice with Sauteed Corn, Onions & Pepprs:
  1. Prepare meat & vegetables:
  2. Make ready 2 -petite sirloins, marinated
  3. Get 1/2 onion, slice onions
  4. Get 1/4 green & red peppers, slice peppers
  5. Make ready 1-2 cob on the corn, (boiled & roasted)
  6. Take 2 -tbsp. butter
  7. Prepare 1 -tbsp. mayonnaise
  8. Make ready 1 -tsp. Cajun seasoning
  9. Prepare 1 tsp. black pepper
  10. Take 1/4 tsp. lemon juice
  11. Make ready 1/4 tsp. freshly chopped parsley
  12. Make ready 1/2 cup melted butter, garlic, black pepper, and parsley
  13. Get marinate:
  14. Get 2-4 tbsp. Liquid smoked per steak
  15. Prepare A-1 Rub,(classic garlic & herb) rubbed into the steaks
  16. Prepare rice:
  17. Get 11/2 cups Jasmine Rice
  18. Prepare Water, (just to cover it rice)
  19. Take 1 -tbsp. of turmeric
  20. Get Fresh parsley, finely chopped

Steak definition: A steak is a large flat piece of beef without much fat on it. You cook it by grilling or. Find easy recipes and cooking techniques for perfectly grilled skirt steak, rib-eye, filet mignon and more from the chefs at Food Network. Let's talk steak — a big, beautiful slab of beef.

Instructions to make Steak & Turmeric Rice with Sauteed Corn, Onions & Pepprs:
  1. With a fork tenderize the steaks by poking holes into both sides of steaks.
  2. Rub both sides of steaks with A-1 Rub; then add 1 tbsp @ a time of liquid smoke to steaks and rub it into both sides of steaks; put steaks into separate plastic bags; seal and let MARINATE for 11/2 to 2 hours.
  3. Bring half a pot of water to a boil over medium-high heat; add corn to pot and boil for 20 to 30 minutes; set aside and let cool.
  4. Cut slice onions, and peppers; then slice them in half; put into a bowl and set aside.
  5. Slice corn off the cob into a bowl, add 1tbsp. of butter and mayonnaise; then add 1/4 tsp. of lemon juice, cajun seasoning, black pepper and freshly chopped parsley; mix together and set aside.
  6. Triple rinse the rice getting all the starch out of rice; drain and fill water only to just barely cover the rice; add turmeric and bring to a boil over medium-high heat until the rice starts sticking out of the water; reduce heat to lowest number you can get it; put a towel over the top of the pot and cover the pot with a top; let it sit for 15 minutes on this lowest heat; then remove and let it stand for 10 minutes.
  7. Mix together butter, garlic, black pepper, and parsley.
  8. In a hot skillet with some cooking spray; cut steaks 2x4 inches stripes and cook one steak @ a time by putting them right in the center of the skillet and cook them 2 minutes on one side then flip them over add 1 tsp. of butter mixture and cook another 2 minutes; repeat this process until desired doneness.
  9. When done with steaks; saute'e onions, and peppers in steak juices for 3 minutes; put into a bowl and set aside.
  10. Next spray skillet and add corn mixture to the skillet over medium-high heat and cook corn for 15 to 20 minutes until corn starts turning brown remove and set aside.
  11. On a 9 to 10 inch plate put 1/2 to 3/4 cup of rice; then lay steak across the top of the rice; then top steak with 1/8 cup corn and garnish with sauteed onions and peppers.
  12. Serve and enjoy!

Find easy recipes and cooking techniques for perfectly grilled skirt steak, rib-eye, filet mignon and more from the chefs at Food Network. Let's talk steak — a big, beautiful slab of beef. I used to only eat steak when my parents treated us Arguably the hardest thing about cooking steak at home is actually buying a steak at the market, so. I wanted a juicy steak with a nice crust that was big enough to slice and serve family While cooking, I basted the steak in an herbed butter sauce. The sauce added a fresh, light.

Foods That Make Your Mood Better

A lot of us have been conditioned to think that comfort foods are terrible and are to be avoided. If your comfort food is candy or junk food this holds true. At times, comfort foods can be utterly nutritious and good for us to consume. Several foods honestly do elevate your mood when you consume them. When you feel a little down and need an emotional boost, test out a few of these.

Eggs, believe it or not, can be truly terrific at dealing with depression. You must be sure, though, that what you make includes the yolk. The egg yolk is the most crucial part of the egg in terms of helping elevate your mood. Eggs, specifically the egg yolks, are loaded with B vitamins. These B vitamins are great for helping to improve your mood. This is because they help improve the function of your neural transmitters, the components of your brain that affect your mood. Eat an egg and be happy!

Make some trail mix of nuts or seeds. Almonds, cashews, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etcetera are all wonderful for raising your mood. This is because these nuts are rich in magnesium, which helps to boost serotonin production. Serotonin is referred to as the “feel good” substance that our body produces and it tells your brain how you should be feeling day in and day out. The higher your serotonin levels, the happier you will feel. Not just that, nuts, specifically, are a terrific source of protein.

If you want to battle depression, try eating some cold water fish. Herring, trout, tuna, wild salmon, and mackerel are all rich in omega-3 fats and DHA. These are two things that really help the grey matter in your brain run a lot better. It’s the truth: eating tuna fish sandwiches can really help you battle your depression.

Some grains are actually great for repelling bad moods. Quinoa, millet, teff and barley are all actually excellent for helping increase your happiness levels. These grains can help you feel full for longer as well, helping you feel better. Feeling famished can truly make you feel terrible! These grains can help your mood elevate because it’s not at all difficult for your body to digest them. These foods are easier to digest than others which helps promote a rise in your glucose levels which in turn brings up your mood to a happier place.

Green tea is truly excellent for your mood. You knew it had to be included in this article, right? Green tea is found to be chock-full of an amino acid known as L-theanine. Studies show that this specific amino acid can actually induce brain waves. This will better your brain’s concentration while simultaneously relaxing the rest of your body. You knew green tea could help you feel better. Now you know that green tea can improve your mood also!

You can see, you don’t have to turn to junk food or foods that are terrible for you just so to feel better! Try these suggestions instead!

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